Panzer forces tanks
Panzer forces tanks

Tie up enemy forces with as few units as you can spare and then move in for the kill elsewhere. Usually it's far better to try and exploit a vulnerable spot in enemy lines or use a bridge engineer to bypass enemy fortifications, rather than try and force a breakthrough with tanks. Use fighters to cover your tanks and artillery or strategic bombers to neutralize the latter. However, they are surprisingly delicate and tactical bombers, anti-tank units, and entrenched infantry in rough terrain are a major challenge. Tanks excel in open terrain, where they can leverage their superior firepower and armor against enemy forces.They can't win the war alone, but properly supported they are an incredibly powerful force. In keeping with history and the game's title, tanks are your principal fighting force.However, attacking entrenched infantry in close terrain with tanks is usually not a good idea - even the strongest tanks may take heavy casualties in these combat. They are also useful for protecting more vulnerable offensive units, like artillery and infantry, from enemy counter attacks. They can strike deep into enemy territory, outflanking and bypassing fortified spots, destroying vulnerable support units (like artillery and anti-air guns) and preventing an organized defence and disrupting an enemy build up behind the main front line. In Panzer Corps the tank is one of the most useful and versatile units - powerful, well protected and mobile.

Panzer forces tanks