Fallout shelter plans popular mechanics
Fallout shelter plans popular mechanics

fallout shelter plans popular mechanics

“Probably five,” custodian Kirby Moser speculated.Įven students at what in the early 1960s was Henderson High School, or “City High,” knew little about the supplies that were intended to help a forgotten number of people to survive two weeks inside a fallout shelter. Hardly any of the 800 students there today know about the boxes of civil defense supplies, which are dated 1962 and early 1963. The only tangible evidence of it today is a collection of moldering boxes and drums from the federal Office of Civil Defense, tossed into a dirt-floored crawl space in a quiet corner of what is known as South Middle’s enrichment basement. “I can’t find enough proof to my liking for all the details,” South Middle Principal Ryan Reusch said.

fallout shelter plans popular mechanics

There is nearly more unknown - or forgotten - than there is known about the nearly 60-year-old shelter. HENDERSON, Ky. - Behind a locked, unmarked access hatch in the basement of South Middle School rest relics from the height of the Cold War: emergency supplies intended for a nuclear fallout shelter at the school. View Gallery: Relics hidden in South Middle Schools forgotten fallout shelter

Fallout shelter plans popular mechanics